


I-TEEN Project Begins Training Activities Across Europe

The I-TEEN project has started its training activities for secondary school teachers across Europe. Partners in different countries are organizing both in-person and online sessions to help educators become familiar with the resources developed through the project.

The training focuses on introducing teachers to the I-TEEN platform, the interactive digital materials, and the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in teaching. The program is designed to allow educators to adapt the resources to their specific teaching needs and classroom contexts.

The I-TEEN team will continue to support teachers in using these materials to enhance their teaching practices. Updates on the progress of the training activities will be shared as they unfold.


I-TEEN Developer Workshop Session III – Slovenia

On May 16, 2024, the I-TEEN project held its third Developer Workshop at Hotel Oleander in Strunjan, Slovenia. The session was hosted by Novatel Ltd, with key partners from across Europe in attendance, including Coditramuntana, Finn-a Tech, and Rosso Arancio.


The meeting focused on a variety of project developments. Key updates were provided on the e-learning platform (Result 2) and the role-playing game (Result 4), including progress on their development and validation. The group also discussed the ongoing implementation of Workpackage 4, which includes target analysis, the training of trainers, and the pilot training course. 

The session concluded with a review of dissemination activities and plans for the next meeting. 

The I-TEEN project continues to make strides in enhancing educational resources for secondary school teachers across Europe.

" The I-TEEN project continues to make strides in enhancing educational resources for secondary school teachers across Europe."


The second Transnational Project Meeting
of the Erasmus+ I-TEEN project was held on January 18 in Barcelona, hosted by the Spanish company Coditramuntana. All consortium partners were able to present progress in the development of results and share impressions and comments on the work to be taken forward. In particular, the as-yet-unfinal versions of the online course in both its content and layout and the teacher toolkit were analyzed.
Finally, future plans for the project were also discussed and scheduled for the next in-person meeting in Celje, Slovenia, home of partner Novatel. The consortium was pleased with the meeting, deeming it an important time for setting priorities and dividing tasks among the partners, but also an enjoyable meeting from
a human point of view.
"All consortium partners
were able to present progress
in the development of results"